############## Basic Concepts ############## History of PowerConsole ======================= PowerConsole began in 2006 as Firebird PowerTool when I've got tired of various administration tools for databases, and particularly those for Firebird_ RDBMS. Don't get me wrong, there are many high quality tools for Firebird, but all these tools are either… 1. Hard to use, or… 2. Haven’t feature(s) you want right now, or… 3. Are not flexible enough, or… 4. Are hard to learn, or… 5. Doesn’t work on your platform, or… 6. Scalle badly, or… 7. Disappoint you in any oter way. The real PowerTool™ I would like to have should… * Provide easy and obvious way to do frequent tasks. It's usually strong point of good GUI tools, although they tend to lose it as their feature set grows over time. * Don’t bother you with things you don’t want. Advanced GUI tools tend to overwhelm you with things you don't want to see right now, while CLI tools never bother you. * Be flexible to do almost anything you may want. CLI tools usually rule there. * Help you to achieve your goal. Good tools will assist you with right things when you need them. * Work on multiple platforms. * Provide set of “tools” for various tasks and means to combine them to solve more complex problems. This is also domain of CLI tools. * Be extensible. As you can see, the crux of all problems with any tool is in the limitations of the user interface model it uses. Simply in old GUI vs. CLI fight. Each tool unavoidably inherits some characteristics and limitations that couldn't escape no matter what according to the user interface paradigm it chooses: CLI tools :Plus: Very Flexible, multiplatform :Minus: Poor presentation environment, often not powerful enough or powerful, but complicated, hard to use or learn GUI tools :Plus: Rich presentation environment, good for in-place changes and common tasks :Minus: Scale badly, WYSIWYG plague, not very flexible, often not multiplatform Web-based tools :Plus: Multiplatform :Minus: “The worst from both worlds” But is it possible to create a tool that would have all advantages of both UI worlds without their limitations? Or it's just a dream, a Holy Grail of UI we all seek but can't really find? Probably, but I think that we can get very close to it, and it's not even necessary to invent new UI paradigm for it. If we would accept the advantages and limitations of GUI, CLI and Web interfaces and focus on abstracting the utility functions from them, we can start to build tools that can have all UI incarnations built around common core, so we could use the right one for given task while still working in well known environment. Certainly, this idea is not new. Any GUI or web frontend to CLI tool is built on this very idea. However, the frontend approach uses only loose coupling between UI and the execution core, so its capabilities are limited. Although it would be very hard to design a framework that would be multiplatform, simple, extensible, powerful and would allow us to build tools that seamlesly integrate with various user interfaces in languages like C++ or Java, I thought that it could be actually doable in dynamic language like Python. So I started to play with some ideas that resulted in prototype of Firebird PowerTool that was presented_ on Firebird Conference in 2006. The initial prototype was very promising, but it was written as throw-away prototype designed just to demonstrate the viability of the basic concept. It was tied to the GUI shell, not easily extended etc. PowerConsole is next iteration if this development. PowerConsole Design =================== Functional packages ------------------- First initial requirement was to have simple execution system that would allow pluggable packages of functions. The idea is that anyone can write domain or task-specific set of functions wrapped into self-contained package that could be easily deployed and used by end users. To achieve that, PowerConsole depends to externaly provided collection of Python objects with methods that the engine uses to learn about additional commands, help providers, text renderers etc. Standard frontend applications to PowerConsole engine (consoles) utilize setuptools_ and resources_ to discover installed extension package objects, so extension package is a Python egg installed via *easy_install* that advertises itself via entry point defined in :file:`setup.py` of the package. Example setup.py for package:: from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( ... entry_points = { 'powerconsole.package': [ 'firebird = pwc.fbcmd:packageFirebird' }, ... ) When you're embedding PowerConsole into your own application or utility, you're free to use any method how extensions are defined, distributed, discovered, instantiated and passed to the PowerConsole engine. However, it's recommended to use or at least include the 'powerconsole.package' entry point in your extension discovery mechanism if you want seamless integration with extensions created by other developers. Execution engine ---------------- Because packages have to be self-contained, the main problem is the interface between functions in package and UI. CLI uses commands with arguments on command line that have (usually text) output to files (stdout is file too), while GUI and web interfaces use various widgets to collect input, call functions in the engine directly and render their output in various formats. If package would be just a set of functions or classes, then all this UI specific handling must be included in execution engine, which would make it overly complex. Moving it down to the package is not a solution either, unless the interface is not radically simplified. PowerConsole solves this problem by coupling single function with it's command-line definition (a command to invoke it), so there is only one entry point regardless of the UI type. Each command is defined as PyParsing_ grammar that automatically converts the input line into Python function call with parameters. Execution core then uses this information to create global grammar that's then used to process input into sequence of function calls in CLI-style processing. It can also call the entry point directly with required parameters when other UI style is used. So the functional unit in PowerConsole is a command, and a package can contain several commands. Each command is implemented as class inherited from :class:`~pwc.base.Command`. It defines the main entry point :meth:`~pwc.base.Command.execute` that has to be overriden by command developer and two public methods used by execution core: :meth:`~pwc.base.Command.getName` and :meth:`~pwc.base.Command.getGrammar`. But execution core can do more than processing of defined commands. Current executor is written on top of Python's code compiler so it can process valid Python code as well. You can even mix Python and user commands together. Because the input is first scanned for user commands that are then replaced with equivalent function calls before processing in Python code compiler, it's possible to use them *inside* Python functions and other code blocks. However, the current implementation has a limitation that user and python commands couldn't be mixed on the same line of code. Because executor is implemented as fully compatible replacement for standard :class:`code.InteractiveInterpreter` class (equivalent to :class:`code.InteractiveConsole` is also provided), it's possible to easily create custom Python intrepreters extendable with user defined commands. PowerConsole is currently distributed with simple interactive CLI console (*ipwc.py*), and more shells (wxPython and Qt-based) are planned for future releases. The executor also maintains an execution context (local and global namespace) for executed code and provides access to generic UI functions. Interface Provider ------------------ Executor is not tied to any particular user interface. Instead it uses externaly provided :class:`~pwc.base.UserInterfaceProvider`. This provider is then called by individual commands or python code to obtain access to specific UI elements. PowerConsole is currently distributed with interface provider that can accept external UI element factory object. If external factory is not provided, it uses internal factory that provides simple text-based UI elements suitable for CLI tools. Future releases may contain additional, more sophisticated providers, UI factories and UI handlers, but idea is that tool developers would make their own objects that would integrate the PowerConsole system with their own UI environment. There could be number of various UI element types (see next sections) according to function and data their handle, and each type could be accessed for different purpose. The *purpose* is defined as string name (`'main'` for example) and could be hierarchical using dot notation (for example `'main.stderr'`). The idea is that InterfaceProvider can use different widgets or configuration for various UI elements according to their use. For example separation of standard text output and standard error output. .. _display-abstraction: Generic UI output ----------------- Output in PowerConsole is processed by abstract display. The display is "divided" into different areas by *purpose* and *writting method*. The actual display implementation can map these "slices" to single output or into various screens, widgets or files. The *purpose* is specified by code that requests access to the display as string name. There are no predefined purpose names beside (implicit) name 'main'. The *writting method* specification represents the interface requirements that display must handle. Code that needs access to the display may request more than one interface, but should ask only for interfaces that would be actually used. The rationale for *writting method* specification is that display implementors may use various widgets for different type of output (especially in GUI tools), for example grids for tables. PowerConsole currently defines next display interfaces: .. currentmodule:: pwc.base :UI_TEXT: Basic text display. Supports methods :meth:`~Display.write`, :meth:`~Display.writeLine` and :meth:`~Display.writeLines`. :UI_LIST: Display that handles list of items. Supports method :meth:`~Display.writeList` :UI_OBJECT: Display that handles object rendering. Support method :meth:`~Display.writeObject` :UI_OBJECTLIST: Display that handles list of objects. Supports method :meth:`~Display.writeObjectList` :UI_TABLE: Display that handles tables. Supports method :meth:`~Display.writeTable`. Future PowerConsole releases may introduce additional interfaces. PowerConsole is distributed with basic :class:`Display` implementation that handles all interfaces and directs output to `stdout`. Object Renderes --------------- Displays that handle objects should use or inherit from :class:`ObjectVisitor` to allow special rendering for specific objects. Command developers can register resources that can display processed object in more suitable way than default one (for example using PrettyPrint etc.). However, if this system should work as intended, the display must support additional interfaces that these renderers can use and not only the object ones. Generic UI input ---------------- Generic UI input is not yet defined. First release is planned for version 0.8. Help Providers -------------- PowerConsole comes with several built-in commands. One of them is HELP command that shows information about installed commands and other usefull information about various topics that command and tools develoepers wants to provide to end users. The built-in help systems uses infromation extracted from `docstrings` and from registered :class:`HelpProvider` objects. Controller Extensions --------------------- .. currentmodule:: pwc.interpreter Command developers could register code that can augment the execution engine (:class:`Interpreter`) during its initialization. It could be used to install shared data used by commands, check the environment etc. Command processing ================== When PowerConsole processes input, it takes a whole line of text and analyzes it with so called `check grammar`. This grammar is a subset of `complete grammar` for each command that consists only minimal part of it to clearly identify a chunk of text as command. This approach is necessary to support commands that span over multiple lines without special support in grammar itself (which would make the grammar definition unnecessarily complex). PowerConsole supports two types of command definitions: 1. Commands terminated with special text sequence - `terminator` (for example SQL commands has to be terminated by ';') 2. Commands without terminator sequence. The type of command is very important for multiline command handling. The terminated command is not considered complete until terminator sequence is found at the end of line, while non-terminated commands are considered complete if there is not a command continuation sequence at the end of line (line continuation marker, '\' by default). If command is not complete, PowerConsole adds next line to the code block and tries again, until command's completion. Complete command is then processed by `full grammar` to transform it into function call and feeds it to code compiler. Code compiler uses similar loop to complete Python command/code block. All additional lines are also preprocessed by internal commands "compiler". .. _PyParsing: http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/ .. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools .. _resources: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PkgResources .. _presented: http://www.ibphoenix.cz/pwc/download/PowerTool-2006.pdf .. _Firebird: http://www.firebirdsql.org