Standard Interactive Console

PowerConsole is primarily designed as embeddable execution engine, but it’s distributed with ready-to-use CLI console Although this console is just a thin wrapper around the engine that handles extension packages and command line options, it gives you instant access to Python interpreter enhanced with PowerConsole commands (or PowerConsole enhanced with Python if you like).

Command line options

Standard console supports next command line options:

Show program’s version number and exit.
-h, --help
Show usage help message and exit.
-l PACKAGE, --load-package=PACKAGE
Load only specified package. Could be used multiple times to specify several packages.
-e PACKAGE, --exclude-package=PACKAGE
Do not load specified package. Could be used multiple times to specify several packages.
Print debug information about command calls. It prints the call signature (function name and parameters) in which each user defined command is translated before it’s executed.
Print debug information about command parsing. It sets the debug flag on whole grammars, so the output could be quite verbose. Useful only when you need to track down intereferences between commands, otherwise it’s better to set debug flag in your code just for specific grammar nodes you want to debug.

Command line options are also extensible, so extension modules may register additional options. Use --help or refer to documentation of installed extension packages to learn about additional options your PowerConsole installation may support.

Extension packages

Standard console supports only extension packages that follow the PowerConsole Extension Specification. You may find list of known extensions in our Extension Package Index.

Table Of Contents

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Basic Concepts

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Extension Package Index

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